January 2024 Update

Hi everyone! Happy New Year!

Just a quick update on some things that the executive is working on:

  1. This month: We are hoping for an ed segment on creative ways to shoot at night, so that we can try some of these things out at our Japanese Gardens field trip. Date has not been set for the field trip but it will be after this month’s meeting
  2. Photofusion is set for Monday March 4th and Tuesday March 5th. We are hoping to get enough shows to have 2 full nights of shows. Ralph/John has sent out an email about a couple of workshops on creating slide shows, so look for that email if you need any help. He is hoping to hold the on-line workshops this week. As always, if you have photos, but not what you need to put a show together, Lorelei can help you out (or put your show together for you). However, you need to do all the ground work to get your photos culled and prepared first. Message Lorelei at Lorelei@Lethbridgephotoclub.org if you need help in this way.
  3. Spring workshop: We have had quite a bit of response for the workshop which we hope to hold on Saturday April 6th. Thank you to everyone who has responded so far. It has given us some great direction. If you’d like to help to organize and throw in some ideas, be sure to let us know through the form that we sent you. We will get together soon over zoom so that we can get the room booked, and start booking speakers. 
  4. Calgary Stampede exhibition: We had a good response for this also, so we will go ahead and organize this again this year. We are just waiting for the next step from the organizers at the stampede.
  5. If you have an idea and would like to organize a field trip, be sure to message our president at President@lethbridgphotoclub.org. We welcome any help that the general membership can give us.
  6. Alliance webinar on Monday, April 8th will be Viktoria Haack, and the title of her talk is “People, Places & Dogs“. I will send out details when they are available.

That’s all for this update!